From the Desk of the President

Dear Memberspresidentseal

Now that the WHVGS mutineers appear to have crawled back under their respective stones for a while at least… (And for future reference I believe it would be quite difficult for a bunch of unorganised pretenders led by the Idiot of the Hall to over throw the current WHVGS Board, so if anyone is thinking of planing such treachery in the future, I suggest you get a better leader – Mr Hall is a village Idiot and not built in the mould of Cromwell and he is certainly no Guevara)

Anyway, if you access the website you’ll see some “News from the Board” – The Board have been busily working on updating the Constitution to address the current issues facing the GS, so I suggest that you all familiarise yourselves with the amendments at the Society Constitution Page – and I specifically draw your attention to – T11.3 “It is the responsibility of Members to be fully conversant with the Constitution and Rules as published on the website. Ignorance is not a defence and if demonstrated will, in fact, increase the severity of any penalty” – Because there are several 2009 additions…

As for Golfing matters, the first official PEDRO appears to the taking shape – Although the provision of subsistence appear to be somewhat ad-hoc. Also, I have been in negotiation with a variety of venues to host the CJ and expect to make a decision on the location for the weekend shortly.

Yours, The President

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