“Best” Golfer Asking for Handicap Review…

Potential scandal revealed in email thread…

I noticed the following exchange in the recent emails about the forthcoming Captain’s. The opportunity was there for Board members to connive on the sensitive subject of handicaps, particularly that of Big Ron – who might be a little worried that he’s only in 2nd place in the OoM and his big wager with PedroPower might be in jeopardy (can you see the flaw in his plan here?)

Ron – Skip can you review my handicap please?

Pete – What, have you been playing well recently?

Ron – Lol, No

Pete – I have reviewed the website and your handicap is -1.4.  While I can adjust handicaps on general play outside of WHV events; I would only tend to do this on general good play. Unless, maybe, someone lost a leg or something.

Otherwise it would be very suspect should someone ‘raised’ then go onto win an WHV event, or maybe even the OOM. In fact, I imagine there would be a revolt.

At the AGM the incoming Captain recommends handicap changes. Last year, I recommended considerable increases for 2 people who thought they were better than they actually are. Should next years’ Captain make a similar recommendation to you; I strongly advise that you accept the recommendation.

I have every expectation of a great performance from you at the Captain’s Match play. Pedro Power agree – they have installed you as second-favourite after the Captain himself. Match play is more about bottle than form, so  – to a degree – handicaps are irrelevant anyway. I think you’ll do well.

WHVgolf.com says…Well Done Skipper, this is patent sharkery and banditism

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