Presidential Address

From the recent email from Doug

As we enter the first month of 2011 to include a WHVGS Tour Event and the excitement levels hot up, a quick update is probably in order.

Coming events:
The Gibbon 26th March – (4 weekends time), if you have not already confirmed please let the TD know The Spittle 9th April- including a punitive number of clubs challenge [No.
of clubs to be confirmed by the Event Sponsor in due course] – (6 Weekends time), if you have not already confirmed please let Nozza know and pay your dues.

Financial Update:
The WHVGS bank a/c currently contains £1,333 – of which £518 relates to the C2010 c/fwd, £40 relates to 2011 Subscriptions already paid up (Pres, TD, Skipper and Bacon) and £775 are Member’s advance payments towards the 2011 CJ weekender at Celtic Manor (Individual statements are available on request from the relevant Member). NB: Payments into the a/c can be made by monthly standing order or lump sum deposits. If you require the bank details please let me know.

The 2011 Handicap system:
Is currently being worked and will be announced “in good time” prior to the commencement of the Gibbon.

Further to The Idiot Hall’s initial proposal and Noz’s seconding emails, (see below), the Board have agreed that they (namely the Idiot Hall and Noz) should commence the design and costing process for the commissioning of WHVGS sweaters and recommend that they consider V neck “long sleeve” and V neck “tank” options – We look forward to receiving their designs and quotes on a timely basis and we will look to approve the most suitable option when they have submitted their portfolio.

The Board has received email correspondence from a Member stating that he will “…continue to the hold the board to account for its many poor decisions…”. When the Member in question was asked to provide some examples of these “many poor decisions”, he was unable to provide any, but if any other Members are aware of these “many poor decisions” mentioned, please can you inform the Players Representative of them and they will be investigated.


The Pres

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