Getting With the New Technologies

Your ever vigilant Web Donk has progressed the site to a new level for those of us fancy enough to have an ipad. The WHV Golf site is now an app! And you don’t have to do anything to get this wonderous thing, simply head to the site on an ipad, and it will know what to do and make it fancier…

Oh, and create a bookmark on your home screen to get a WHV logo to launch from – extra sweet.

For those of you without an ipad, or some inferior copy, tough, pony up the dough for the real thing – Millers will tell you how good they are. Or tell your Mrs that you need one because of, you know, the golf society thing. And she can do ebay and facebook on it, when, like, you’re not using it for work or researching that massive DIY makeover thing for the spare bedroom.

So now we support smart phone and tablet browsers, here at – and I’m happy to take further suggestions.


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