From the President
Dear WHVGS Members – As you all know the 2010 WHVGS End of Season Social and AGM will take place on Saturday 4 December. The plan is:
17.00 – 18.00 : Meet by/under the Moose’s head for a couple of festive cheekys – “The Moose” is directly in front of Birmingham’s Council House –
[I shall probably be aiming for 16.23 from Solihull.]
18.00 – 19.00 : Move to the Sports’ Cafe on Broad Street to warm up on the American style pool tables.
19.00 – Later on : The biennial WHVGS Pool competition will take place – Further details to follow (including the rules for the event), but in summary it will be “world cup” format, with group stages followed by a knock out competition – a suitable number of tables will be reserved for the competition
Later on : Head off for a curry (Pedro will have the staff curry, obviously), the 2010 AGM and prize giving.
I assume that all but two Members will be present for the proceedings, because we have only received two written apologies for non-attendance, (one of the Members will apparently be at the Copacabana, (with Hannah), and the other is grounded), but if the rest of you could confirm that you will be attending by return it would be appreciated, so that I can firm up numbers and the format. In 2008 we had a number of late, unexplained, drop outs (Ron, Onions and Pal O), which to be honest screwed the group stage format up, so please come if you say that you are coming….
By way of warning, due to the 2010 revision of the GS financial model to build up of our funds for 2013, is unlikely that the evening will be fully subsidised this year, so you will have to put your hand in pocket at some stage during the night. [NB: It is yet to be confirmed whether or not PedroPower will be in operation prior to and/or during the Pool competition
– but I can only assume that Noz is red hot favourite followed by The Aust as the 2008 (& reigning) WHVGS Pool Champion and runner up respectively.]
Ron – Please do not forget the laundered Red.
Also, as it is now less than 2 weeks before the 2010 WHVGS AGM – I just wanted to remind everyone about the 2011 Board Membership voting process at the AGM and that those of you who have not yet paid your Membership fees for 2010 will need cough up on the night.
All 2010 elected Board positions are vacated at the AGM and a new 2011 Board is elected. There is no bar on previous Members being re-elected to the same, or a different, Board position – The positions available for re-election are:
The Captain (which includes the overall responsibility of Handicap Secretary)
Tour Director (which includes the responsibilities of Treasurer)
Player’s Representative (steadfastly representing the views and concerns of the GS Membership)
(NB – The Player’s Representative must be nominated after all other elected positions have been filled. New Board Members are not entitled to propose or vote for the Player’s Representative.)
We will also have a vote for the WHVGS 2010 SPOTY (Sports Personality of the Year) and the new WHVGS 2010 BCOT (Biggest Cheeser on Tour)
Individuals may nominate themselves, or any other Member for election and for any number of Board Positions prior to the AGM. Then at the AGM proper, the Nominations for the 2011 Board will be finalised during the AGM and will require Seconding by someone present at the AGM. Unopposed candidates are automatically elected. All WHVGS Members present at the AGM have a single vote. Where competition arises, each round of balloting eliminates the candidate with the lowest amount of votes. If candidates with least number of votes have an equal amount they are both eliminated. Where the vote is tied across the remaining candidates, the President casts the deciding vote.
So if anyone is thinking of nominating themselves or anyone else, it might be worth starting your campaign prior to the AGM, to avoid the disappointment of defeat – Will see anything like the successful 2009 “Vote Ron, Noz Out” campaign?
Not long til Moose, biennial GS pool competition, (staff) curry, 2010 prize giving and the AGM
Yours, The Pres